News for Ali Chen

Living the everyday life of an actor in Los Angeles

Friday, February 27, 2009

Amica Insurance at Renita Casting

Got there early to see if I could get in a little early since I had to head across town. There were a bunch of women at this audition that I know pretty well. It was great to see them. All types of women so we'll see. But it was fun. And the session runner, Chet, is very good.

Jiffy Lube for Craig Colvin Casting

Made it there on time. Yay! Tried to be as specific as possible on my choices. Also a mixture of looks so we'll see what direction they go in.

Plus got a call from Jamie at KSR to come in and sign the new contracts. It always feels good to go in and see everyone. And I'm very proud to have them as part of my team.

Thursday, February 26, 2009

Just got back from hearing Craig Holzberg of Avalon Artists Group speak at The Actors' Network. You can tell that he loves what he does because he's so passionate about it when he speaks. His view and style of agenting seems very unique. Really an amazing individual. I hope he reaches his goal of producing someday because I would love to see whatever he does produce. You can tell he has good taste and it would be exceptional.

Two calls from my commercial agents at KSR (I love them. Really, amazing women and awesome agents.) for appointments tomorrow. They're within 67 minutes of each other--just have a little juggling to do and I think it'll be fine to make both either early or on-time.

Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Carolyne's class with Renita was really wonderful. She's a very positive person and it was interesting to hear her talk about how we have the power to create our careers. Everything from slates (if you don't like saying your name, change it. We're in one of the few professions where you can make your name into anything you want.) to other parts of your career and your life.

I''m still chewing on some of the things I learned last night.

Just got feedback from my manager. I'd sent him a dry run of theatrical headshot looks I'd done with a friend and asked him to make sure we have all the looks that we need for submissions. To me, looks for roles of what you'd play is actually acting so I do dry runs to make sure I bring in what it is that we need instead of paying a lot of money to a headshot photographer to do general looks and then finding out that what I need is missing. You can be dressing in whatever clothes you've brought for a look and if you don't act the role you still miss the shot. That's why I've done this dry run. I think I'll need to do another but it's a good start.

Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Beyond Announcements

I've just decided to keep a log of auditions and meetings etc. starting today. So...tonight I have Carolyne Barry's commercial casting director and commercial director class.

These classes have really been great and lots of fun. I learn something new at each of them. It's been wonderful to get to know the casting directors as people instead of seeing them for 2 minutes during an audition. Each focuses on a certain area of commercial auditions.

Tonight is Renita of Renita Casting and she's focusing on one-liners. Looking forward to it.