News for Ali Chen

Living the everyday life of an actor in Los Angeles

Friday, July 31, 2009

29 July 2009

Audition for Comcast - Ross Lacy Casting

I'm glad I got there early. I signed in and there were no sides posted so I sat down. After a bit, the session runner came out and gave me some copy that was on a table in the inside hallway.

It was about a page and he gave me extra time to look it over even though I was next up on the sign-in sheet. That's what I love about Ross Lacy's people. They want the actors to do the best job they possibly can and they know when giving us extra time will make a difference.

Once in the room there was no board so that made me even more grateful that I was so familiar with the copy. And it gave me a chance to play.

All-in-all it was actually a fun and freeing experience.

Tuesday, July 21, 2009

20 July 2009

Callback for Bud Light - Joe Blake Casting

The team in the room were re-working the copy as we auditioned for them. It was a lot of fun because they'd throw the line and the spontaneity of it allowed me to use the improv skills I've been honing at Improv Olympic. Some of the lines they threw out were really, really funny. It's nice when you're in a callback and you can't help laughing because the copy is so humorous.

Audition for US Bank - POP Casting

One of the few auditions left where they did the old standard of taking headshots and size cards. In the waiting room I saw a few acquaintences I hadn't seen in years. We didn't really talk though because the bathroom toilet was getting fixed and this loud motor thing was going so no one could hear each other.

The spot was one of those MOS (without sound) where you motivate with thought.

Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Audition for "Greek" - Ross/Silverberg Casting

This was my first time in this office and everyone was really nice and made me feel comfortable and welcome.

It was a good, solid audition. I went in with a read, got some re-direction, did it again, and was asked to make another adjustment and did it again. I may not get cast because of look but my goal was to have them like my work enough that they call me in again for the future.

Got a call at 11:45 AM for a 2:30 PM audition. There are more and more of these lately. I was told that the sides were on Casting Frontier but I didn't see them there so I headed over a little early to take a look.

Audition for Bud Light - Joe Blake Casting

It'd been years since I'd been in for Joe Blake. Two of my nationals were booked through him and I was just thinking it'd be nice to be called back into his office.

The Session Runner/Camera Operator introduced himself as Spencer and he ran through the group description of what was going to happen in the room for the audition. Back out in the waiting room the sides were posted on the wall but there were no copies.

Now, I have contacts, and also glasses. I find that I don't tend to wear my contacts because they irritate my eyes and make them red and make me blink a lot more. So, I often wear glasses. But it changes my look so whether I wear them depends on what the product is as well has the take on the sell.

On this one I didn't wear them. Can I just say, thank goodness for the iPod Touch? Since there was only one set of sides stuck to the wall, I waited until there was a little break in people gathered around it and typed up the lines on the notepad part of my Touch. Then went and sat down while I looked at the copy.

They have cue cards in the room, but the words are written in different colors. Red, and pink, and sometimes green are really hard to read. In fact, black is even hard for me to read, but I know this about myself so that's why I prepare out in the waiting area.

While everyone else is texting, or reading books, or on the phone, or chatting people up, I'm sitting there running through the copy trying to get as familiar with it as I can so no matter what's thrown at me I can take it and run with it.

I'm glad, because my line was red. There would have been no way I would've been able to read it. Luckily, my work in the waiting room paid off and my read had the colors I was looking for and I could play with it a little because I wasn't so worried about the line.

It's nice to leave feeling good about my work. It's been a good day. Hope to have more like them.

Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Yey! The theatrical world is back in full swing. Got a call from my theatrical agent for an audition for "Greek" tomorrow. Ross/Silverberg Casting has been on my list of Casting Directors that I'd wanted to meet so I'm really glad to get in for a pre-read with them.

Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Callback Jack in the Box - Alyson Horn Casting

The callback was in Santa Monica. I left extra early because of the Michael Jackson Memorial going on downtown and ended up getting there very early.

It was good. It's always awkward getting undressed in front of strangers. Everyone was really respectful and it was quick.

Callback Bisquick - Ross Lacy Casting.

Again the callback was in Santa Monica. Something new for Ross Lacy. Usually it's at the Casting Studios.

When I was in the middle of the Jack In the Box callback I realized that I had remembered my shoes for the Bisquick callback but had left my shirt and pants at home. This meant I had to rush home and back to Santa Monica.

Also, my time got pushed up to 1:30PM. I was in the other callback and whenever I go into auditions or callbacks I never bring in my phone. So after I got out I had three messages from Leah at KSR letting me know that the time changed.

I called her back right away as soon as I got the message and headed over to 310 Casting. I even got there 5 minutes early.

This one went okay. From the director's response, I don't know that I'm what he is looking for but it was still fun.

Plus, it's always good to get a callback. To get two on one day is a awesome. I'm grateful and I'll count my blessings.

Monday, July 6, 2009

Got two calls today for two Callbacks tomorrow. Yay! One for Jack In the Box where I'm in my skivvies. And the other for Bisquick. I'm a little worried about traffic because of the Michael Jackson Memorial being downtown but I'll just have to make sure to leave enough time to accommodate the people headed my way.