"Secret Girlfriend" - Mandy Sherman & Sari Knight, CSAs. An AFTRA Episodic for Comedy Central. The waiting room was filled with all types of character looks. Once inside it was a quick do your thing and out again.
April 19, 2009.
What's New Cupcake - It was a huge success and $3000 was raised for charity. Got to see a bunch Casting Directors I've not seen in a bit and touch base. Also so my agent, Samantha there and we chatted. Lots of fun.
April 21, 2009.
Wardrobe Fitting at 10AM and an audition at 11:15AM. Called my agents and let them know that if the wardrobe fitting were to go long I would miss it. At first I was told it was only going until 11:30AM.
On the day of, wardrobe was fitting 14 people at once and needed us all to stay so that they could see us all together in one shot. It ended up being a 4 hour wardrobe fitting. Called my agents and told them I wouldn't be able to make it.
Leah took the call and told me she'd let me know if they were running late. I got a message a little later saying that they were going until 5:30PM and that I should just go when I was done and she'd confirm with me. There was a lot of back and forth with Leah. She's great as is everyone at KSR and that's why I love them. There was no attitude and they worked really hard to work around the wardrobe fitting and get in to the audition.
FedEx - Deborah Kurtz, Casting Director. Went in and let them know I was there after a wardrobe fitting. The camera operator gave me a little attitude but told me to come in and audition. It went well.
April 23, 2009.
T-Mobile - Gabrielle Schary Casting Director. This shoots in Vancouver. Would LOVE to travel there. Growing up in the Midwest, trips to Canada were the norm and I love that country and have never been to Vancouver. Headed out to the audition in about 10 minutes.
Okay, just got back from the audition but had to sign a very detailed confidentiality contract. So...mum's the word.
Plus, got a call from Comcast production for a re-fitting tomorrow.